An effort spearheaded by Gov. Kevin Stitt, Sen. Adam Pugh and The State Chamber of Oklahoma will streamline Oklahoma’s workforce into a more coordinated and focused system to provide Oklahoma workers with the skills they need for a brighter future and supply employers with skilled labor. Oklahoma’s workforce development systems are siloed into multiple, disjointed parts lacking shared goals and strategies. This creates excessive administrative duplication and limits the our overall effectiveness in delivering workforce. “It’s really exciting times for Oklahoma when it comes to workforce development,” said Ben Lepak, Executive Director of The State Chamber Research Foundation. “This is a challenge in every state. Oklahoma’s business community is coming up with solutions to address workforce problems, and I’m proud to see our governor and legislature stepping up to the plate, as well.”

The executive order moves the pieces the governor currently controls, and SB 621 moves the pieces the legislature controls. Both are moving Oklahoma toward the same goal: a better aligned, more efficient and highly effective workforce development system. These efforts are a great example of the positive advances Oklahoma can make when the private sector and state officials work together to tackle difficult, important problems. Together we can transform workforce development to ensure the best outcomes for Oklahoma’s business community, workers and economy.