Studies Show OK Health Insurance Mandates Increase Costs
Oklahoma ranks poorly in health metrics, ranking 44th in health in the 2024 Oklahoma Scorecard. Poor health outcomes and increased costs affect the business community’s access to a healthy workforce and bottom lines. A balance can be found between the mandates and the associated costs.
Oklahoma has no mechanism to review health plan mandates for what the projected costs of the mandate may be on health care premiums, costs to enrollees, and plan sponsors. Meanwhile, as of 2019, 28 states have a legislative or executive function for reviewing proposed health insurance mandates.

To illustrate the costs of these mandates, The State Chamber Research Foundation contracted with Milliman Inc. to produce two reports analyzing Oklahoma’s administrative and coverage mandates on health insurance plans, both of which increase health insurance costs for consumers and businesses.

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The State Chamber Research Foundation | P.O. Box 53217 | Oklahoma City, OK 73152 US