The Disruption of a National Railroad Strike

You may have seen news reports in recent days about the potential for a national railroad strike. Though contract negotiations between freight railroads and unions continue and Congress is being urged to intervene to head off disaster, the deadline for a breakthrough that would avoid a strike is fast approaching. As of today, the likelihood […]
Labor Cases Top U.S. Supreme Court’s January Agenda

The U.S. Supreme Court set its January lineup for oral arguments, and labor relations are high on the agenda. Seven cases are on the Supreme Court’s calendar for the January session, including two that will be of high priority to business communities: Ohio Adjutant General’s Department v. Federal Labor Relations Authoritywill be heard on Jan. […]
Forever Chemicals and the Impact on Business

Tim Sowecke with Crowe & Dunlevy headlined last week’s Legal Lunch Box over per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or, as they are more commonly known, PFAS. These forever chemicals are just about everywhere, including your business, which is why you should check out Tim’s presentation below. We’ve even linked the slides here so it is easy […]
SCRF Legal Center Challenges Burdensome Sales Tax Collection System

The SCRF Legal Center, along with the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), Manhattan Institute and Louisiana Association of Business and Industry (LABI), filed a motion with the U.S. Court of Appeals’ Fifth Circuit in support of family-owned jewelry supplier Halstead Bead, Inc., advocating for the case challenging Louisiana’s burdensome sales tax collection system to […]
Competitive State Taxes a Magnet for Top Talent

Winning championships is not the only consideration on a star athlete’s mind when choosing a professional team. Recent comments by NFL standout Tyreek Hill illustrate that state taxes also figure into the mix. In explaining why he did not sign with the New York Jets (who play in high-tax New Jersey), Hill said he “was […]
Oklahoma’s Talent Pipeline

If business leaders in Oklahoma are unified around anything, it’s the need to better align Oklahoma’s Higher Education and Career Tech systems to the workforce needs of the business community. Nearly 90% of business leaders think our higher education system needs to do a better job of incentivizing students to study in fields where there […]
The Latest on State Question 820

Proponents of State Question 820 asked the Oklahoma Supreme Court to place the question on the November 2022 ballot without having completed the required statutory 10-day period for challenges on the sufficiency of collected signatures or the ballot title. This would upend the legally required process initiative petitions must take to be placed on the […]
Working on a Plan for Workforce

he State Chamber President and CEO Chad Warmington and The State Chamber Research Foundation Executive Director Ben Lepak talked workforce solutions with the Oklahoma Legislative Joint Committee on Pandemic Relief Funding last week. Watch it here. To see more of the workforce solutions on workforce we proposed. Click here. The State Chamber Research Foundation (SCRF) […]
The Legal Center

Major Supreme Court Ruling Limits Regulatory Authority In June, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a decision in West Virginia v. EPA. that will make it easier for businesses to challenge certain federal regulations in court. The issue at hand? Whether Congress delegated the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) broad authority to require power plants to change […]
Supply Side Revival Continues to Gain Traction!

Runaway inflation is making today feel like a throwback to the 1970s, but 70’s style stagflation isn’t inevitable. The State Chamber Research Foundation is proposing a “supply side revival” to boost investment, grow our economy and reduce inflation. Read SCRF Executive Director Ben Lepak’s piece in the Oklahoman here. Watch the most recent news coverage […]